HCJB - Ecuador: 11765 kHz,
0230 hrs to 0300 hrs GMT log this station on 10th February, 1970.
v/s Robert C. Moore
Address: HCJB,
Casilla 691,
South America.
HCJB World Radio: 11925 kHz,
1030 hrs to 1100 hrs GMT log on
3rd January, 1988.
v/s Rcgw S. Stubbed.
HCJB Global, Quito, Ecuador - Nauen, Germany: 11920 kHz, 0008 hrs to 0025 hrs UTC in Portuguese log this station on 25th June, 2013 and f/d QSL card arrived from Brasil ( HCJB - A Voz Dos Andes) on 24th July, 2013 for my email report.
v/s Iris Rauscher
Address: HCJB,
Casilla 691,
E-mail: info@hcjb.org
HCJB Global, Quito, Ecuador - Nauen, Germany: 11920 kHz, 0008 hrs to 0025 hrs UTC in Portuguese log this station on 25th June, 2013 and f/d QSL card arrived from Ecuador ( Die Andenstimme in Partnership with HCJB global) on 29th July, 2013 for my email report.
v/s Horst Rosiak
Address: Die Andenstimme,
Casilla 17-17-691,
0230 hrs to 0300 hrs GMT log this station on 10th February, 1970.
v/s Robert C. Moore
Address: HCJB,
Casilla 691,
South America.
HCJB World Radio: 11925 kHz,
1030 hrs to 1100 hrs GMT log on
3rd January, 1988.
v/s Rcgw S. Stubbed.
HCJB Global, Quito, Ecuador - Nauen, Germany: 11920 kHz, 0008 hrs to 0025 hrs UTC in Portuguese log this station on 25th June, 2013 and f/d QSL card arrived from Brasil ( HCJB - A Voz Dos Andes) on 24th July, 2013 for my email report.
v/s Iris Rauscher
Address: HCJB,
Casilla 691,
E-mail: info@hcjb.org
HCJB Global, Quito, Ecuador - Nauen, Germany: 11920 kHz, 0008 hrs to 0025 hrs UTC in Portuguese log this station on 25th June, 2013 and f/d QSL card arrived from Ecuador ( Die Andenstimme in Partnership with HCJB global) on 29th July, 2013 for my email report.
v/s Horst Rosiak
Address: Die Andenstimme,
Casilla 17-17-691,
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